The school will be comprised of three buildings (primary school, kindergarten, and gymnasium/auditorium) and an enclosing wall (necessary prior to construction for the security of the children and also to prevent theft). We estimate the cost of the wall to be $23,905 and the cost of the three school buildings to be $1,627,160 (main school and vocational school 1,178,760; gymnasium/auditorium $299,600; Kindergarten 148,400).
The medical center will provide children and adults with medical and dental care. It will sustain itself through the sale of prescription drugs and medical supplies. We estimate the cost for this center to be $84,920.
The residence for the missionaries is estimated to cost $96,800 and should be constructed prior to the school to provide immediate supervision for the remainder of the project as well as security during construction.
The convention center will provide an area for more collegiate and professional type meetings. This will also serve as stepping stone to building a university. The cost of this center is estimated to be $501,600.